Southwest Florida
Fort Myers & Sanibel
Tarpon Trips
Tarpon (aka the Silver King) are one of the most highly sought after game fish in our fishery. They are seasonal and work their way into town in migrating groups when our water begins to warm up. Tarpon fishing can be expected to start in mid to late April, with the peak tarpon season in the middle of May through the end of the summer when our water is the warmest.
Our tarpon trips are 6+ hours and are outfitted with some of our heaviest rods specifically made to handle these fish.
On our tarpon trips we go where the fish are. You can expect to run the extra mile if we know there are fish biting in a particular location. Tarpon fishing locations will vary and can include a combination of river, flats, and near shore. Please call us if you have any questions about your trip.
Taxidermy recommendations are available if you would like to have a replica of your catch mounted!